
Author guidelines for ChemCyclic Letters

Information for Authors

The Authors need to submit a single manuscript file containing all the details as described below (do not submit text, figure/images, tables in separate files). Additional the supplementary data files should be submitted as a separate file. A cover letter should be provided during the submission (in message to editor box).

Cover letter

Authors should supply a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should also have details of at least three reviewers (with email). Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in “Comments for Editor’ box.

Graphical Abstract

Authors need to submit a graphical abstract highlighting the contents of manuscript. The guidelines for graphical abstract preparation and submission are available on this link. The graphical abstract should be submitted in image format separately and also be included in the main manuscript file.


Manuscript should include Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords, (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion, conclusion, experimental procedures in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections. References should be formatted as shown for articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5

1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449.

2. B.K. Sharma. Ph.D. Dissertation, Thesis Title, Cornell University, 1995.

3. R. Hussain, D. Shinkoi. Title of book like Synthesis and application of ionic liquid, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2010.

4. R.S. Buchanod, D.K. Reddy. In Selective Organic Transformations; T.R. Thyagarajan, Ed.; Integrated science: New York, 2002; Vol. 2, pp 1–95.

5. G.L. Loyale, U.S. Patent 5 934 456, 1998; Chem. Abstr. 1998, 65, 2870.

Citation Manager style files: Authors are highly encouraged to use the citation manager programs for citing and formatting the references. Authors may use free Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 or Endnote program. If you are using any of these citation manager program for Bibliography (References and Notes), then you can download citation style file for journal (common for ISP journals):

Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 style file: ISP Journals CSL style file

Endnote style file: ISP Journals Endnote style file Or  ChemBiolLett style file (click and download from google drive … and copy the file to Endnote style folder or open in EndNote).

click to download and then open in respective program (the user can see the respective program user guide on how to use the style file).


Authors need to submit all manuscripts through journal website. Register by following link ‘Register’ above (make sure to mark checked the options Author and reviewer while registering for journal). On login, you will find ‘new submission’ link in your panel page.

For review purpose, author can submit the manuscript as outlined above. However, Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript according to journal article template (provided below) as it progress towards acceptance. On acceptance of manuscript, authors must need to supply their manuscript in Article template (if they have not already submitted in template). If you face difficulty in preparing manuscript according to template, then you can forward your manuscript (place all figures with caption in the end of file) to Copyeditor/Support department ( )


On acceptance of manuscript, Authors are required to submit revised manuscript in journal articles template (If authors wish, they are free to submit their manuscript in journal article template while submitting first time).


Or ChemCyclLett_word2010_template – 2 click to download from google drive

(authors can use any one of these templates for preparation of their manuscript)

Instructions for conversion of manuscript in journal article template is provided on  (please check the video on the link for correctly formatting your manuscript.

download the template (as per the MS Word version that you have on your computer), double click the file to open and then prepare your article and save it with your own name.

Login and submit the manuscript online (submission by email are not accepted). Only online submissions are accepted now.

Authors are advised to contact Support, CCL (email: pubs @ ) if there is any problem in registration or submission.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Authors should mention any conflict of interest in the work submissted to ChemCyclic Letters. The statement about conflict of interest may be mentioned in the ‘Letter to editor’ or placed in the manuscript after acknowledgement section.

Ethical Uses Declaration:

If the manuscript report the experimentation on animals (including clinical trials on human beings), then declaration about ethical way handling of animals and about keeping the complete privacy of human identity (in case of clinical trials) must be mentioned in the manuscript.

Helsinki Declaration (contents from NIH-NLM): When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (5). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.


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Introducing new journal ‘molecular phytomedicine’

In a stride to provide the quality research contents for scientific fraternity as evident by our leading journals like Chemical Biology Letters and J Materials NanoScience, the ScienceIn is introducing a new journal ‘Molecular PhytoMedicine’ to serve the relevant community of researchers in the field of plant medicines, new chemical entities from plants for drug development, biochemistry of plant metabolites, and all related research fields.

The Journal

Molecular Phytomedicine is the lead peer reviewed international journal for integrated research coverage of therapeutics development from plants, natural products chemistry, medicinal plants, plant pharmaceuticals, herbal medicine, biochemisty of medicinal plant molecules and metabolites, biotechnology, chemistry of extracts and medicinal plants, ayurveda, medicines from algae, nanomedicine, plant pigments, and all related research meant for discovery of medicines from plants.


The submissions are open now. Researcher can submit their article at the journal site

All articles will be peer-reviewed.
Authors will retain the rights for published article (CC 4.0 BY license).
There is NO open access fee for authors (all charges completely waived off).

Nanoparticles in fingerprinting

Metal have been used extensively for the detection and analysis of latent fingerprints. In this proposed issue, the use of nanoparticles for the development of fingerprints and to obtain chemical information will be compiled in a collection of knowledge in form of research articles and review articles in the field.


  • Inorganic Nanoparticles for finger printing (Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs), Silver nanoparticles, Aluminum oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3– NPs), silica nanoparticles, Iron Oxide and other NPs)
  • New materials synthesis for latent finger printing application
  • Chemistry of materials meant for finger printing
  • Carbon and related materials (carbon dot)
  • 2D materials
  • Organic materials for finger printing
  • Use of N-doped carbon dots for the imaging of finger impressions
  • Hybrid materials – Oligomer/silica hybrid nanoparticles,
  • Smart material design and development
  • Aptamer functionalized nanomaterials
  • nanophosphors
  • Dual-channel emitting optical probe-sensitized upconversion nanostructures
  • core-shell functional nanomaterials
  • Modeling and simulations involved in finger printing

Topic Editors

Dr. Kumud Kant Awasthi, Ph.D.
head, Department of Life Sciences
Vivekanand Global University
Jaipur, IN
Mahipal Singh Sankhla,
Department of Forensic Science,
Vivekanand Global University
Jaipur, IN

Schedule – The dates

Abstract Submission: August 20, 2021
Article Submission: November 29, 2021 (Processing – ‘as we go’ model)
Issue completion: January 11, 2022

Field – Research area
Functional Materials
NanoScience Nanotechnology
Materials Science

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Authors / Abstracts

This is new recent Topic announced, the list of authors/abstracts will be updated here. This is an open invitations for interested researchers to submit the abstract for this topic. Submit the abstract with detail below:

The abstract details can also be forwarded directly to topic editor or editorial office at pubs @ thesciencein (dot) org

2D-QDs (Two Dimensional QDs): Synthesis and Applications in Electroluminescent diodes, Sensors and Solar Cells

Advanced nanomaterials, including two-dimensional (2D) materials, have revolutionized the nanoscience field due to their unique properties. The latest developments in energy and environmental engineering represent a great opportunity for the application of newly developed advanced functional materials and nanostructures. i.e use of advanced materials in energy applications has met many challenges alongside recent breakthroughs, and so must be properly analyzed in order to fully understand the technological demands placed on these materials. Advanced nanomaterials show considerable potential for significant technological advancement, and so it is vital to systematically study novel findings in their fundamental areas of application, with particular focus on emerging trends in energy-based materials and environmental applications.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Quantum dot/nanometer-size luminescent semiconductors for biomedical applications
  • 2D materials in photovoltaics, semiconductors, electrodes, and water purification
  • Photo-supercapacitors (PSCs) with functions of energy harvesting and storage in a single device gas sensor, based on nanostructured materials
  • 2D transition metal carbide (MXenes) nanostructures
  • Applications of 2D organic and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD/TMDC) nanostructures
  • Organic light emitting diodes (OLED) and excitonic or organic solar cells (OSC)
  • Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) of organic-inorganic hybrid crystalline and porous materials for energy harvesting application.

Topic Editors

Dr. Gopal Ramalingam, Ph.D.
Nanoscience and Technology,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, IN
Prof. G. Ravi,
Physics Department,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, IN

Schedule – The dates

Abstract Submission: September 30, 2021
Article Submission: November 29, 2021
Issue completion: Continuous Processing – ‘as we go’ model

Field – Research area
Energy materials
Nanochemistry and Chemistry Materials
NanoScience Nanotechnology
Materials Science

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Authors / Abstracts

This is new recent Topic announced, the list of authors/abstracts will be updated here. This is an open invitations for interested researchers to submit the abstract for this topic. Submit the abstract with detail below:

The abstract details can also be forwarded directly to topic editor or editorial office at pubs @ thesciencein (dot) org

Recent Trends in Gas Sensing Research in India

This issue is focused on bringing together the research fraternity involved in chemi-resistive gas sensing in India. Gas sensing has widely evolved over the last two decades. It is imperative that as a nation, we address issues concerning the direction in which it is progressing in this country. Along with the plethora of research groups currently pursuing gas sensing research, recent trends and achievements in gas sensors at nanoscale has to be identified. This issue welcomes original research contributions in interdisciplinary areas such as synthesis, characterization, gas sensing, mechanism, modeling and applications.

Inorganic Nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanorods, nanowires, nanoparticles) for Gas Sensing
Organic materials for Gas Sensing (CNTs, Graphene, Polymers)
Mechanistic studies in gas sensing Gas sensing equipment design and development
Modeling and simulations involved in gas sensing
Sensor Arrays, Artificial Neural Networks, Electronic Noses
Applications of gas sensing in various industry (case studies)
Sensor Devices, Calibration, Electronic Interfacing and Signal conditioning

Topic Editors

Dr. Arun Prasad, Ph.D.
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Homi Bhabha National Institute, IN
Dr. M. Sridharan,
SASTRA University, IN

Schedule – The dates

Abstract Submission: August 20, 2021
Article Submission: October 29, 2021 (Processing – ‘as we go’ model)
Issue completion: February 1, 2022

Field – Research area
Nanostructured Gas Sensors
Polymers and Functional Materials
NanoScience Nanotechnology
Materials Science

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Authors / Abstracts

This is new recent Topic announced, the list of authors/abstracts will be updated here. This is an open invitations for interested researchers to submit the abstract for this topic. Submit the abstract with detail below:

The abstract details can also be forwarded directly to topic editor or editorial office at pubs @ thesciencein (dot) org

Visible and NIR active photocatalysts for alternative fuels – Special issue

The energy shift is profound in last 5 years. So alternative fuel source is already in demand. The Hydrogen and reduction product of CO2 are considered to be most contributing next generation fuels. So, a sustainable source and process is the main requirement for the emerging alternative fuel materials. This issue mainly focus on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction and CO2 reduction application. A selective collection of articles in this special issue would bring the complete insight of these type of emerging alternate fuel materials.

Topic Editors

Dr. Arnab Kanti Giri, Ph.D.
Karim City College,
Jamshedpur, IN
Shivam Rai,
Gautam Buddha University,
Greater Noida, UP, IN

Schedule – The dates

Abstract Submission: August 15, 2021
Article Submission: September 30, 2021 (Processing – ‘as we go’ model)
Issue completion: December 30, 2021

Field – Research area
NanoChemistry and Chemistry Materials
NanoScience Nanotechnology
Materials Science
Energy Materials

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Authors / Abstracts

This is new recent Topic announced, the list of authors/abstracts will be updated here. This is an open invitations for interested researchers to submit the abstract for this topic. Submit the abstract with detail below:

The abstract details can also be forwarded directly to topic editor or editorial office at pubs @ thesciencein (dot) org

Phytochemical and in vitro analysis of Bornetella oligospora extract as alpha-Glucosidase inhibitor

One of the first-line therapy of diabetes mellitus is alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Due to side effects caused by synthetic drugs and limited sources, various studies have been conducted on herbal plants and macroalgae consisting of bioactive compounds with alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity. This study examines the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity and phytochemical compounds in ethyl acetate and ethanol extract of Bornetella oligospora, an abundant green alga in eastern Indonesia. The result showed that ethanol and ethyl acetate extract of Bornetella oligospora contained phytochemical components such as flavonoid, glycoside, triterpenoid, and steroid. The thin layer chromatography test showed ethanol extract have five spots with Rf 0.545, 0.527, 0.5, 0.473, and 0.154, while the ethyl acetate extract has two spots with Rf 0.58 and 0.64. The alpha-glucosidase inhibition assay showed IC50 values of the ethanol extract was 11.702 ug/mL and ethyl acetate extract was 95.384 ug/mL. In conclusion, Bornetella oligospora extract has the potential as an antidiabetic agent.

Published in Chemical Biology Letters

Siswanto, M. A., Paramita, R. I., Fadilah, F., & Poerwaningsih, E. H. (2021). Phytochemical and in vitro analysis of Bornetella oligospora extract as alpha-Glucosidase inhibitor. Chemical Biology Letters, 8(1), 40–44.

Beneficial impacts of Astaxanthin on Biomarkers of Antioxidant status and oxidative damage in Rats exposed to Ambient air

Effect of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis on lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress induced by ambient air exposure was studied. Wistar albino rats were exposed to ambient air was administered with astaxanthin in doses varying between 0.5 to 2% of food intake. Various biological parameters like ALT, AST, ALP, malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione reductase, were estimated biochemically and the expression of Nrf2 and glutathione peroxidase genes were estimated by reverse transcriptase PCR. Plasma ALT, AST, ALP, MDA and the activity of antioxidant enzymes; SOD, GRd, catalase were found increased significantly in ambient air exposed rats. Ambient air exposure decreased the levels of glutathione, non protein thiols and GPx expression whereas total thiols and expression of Nrf2 increased. However the concurrent administration of astaxanthin was found to reverse these changes in a dose dependent manner. The results of this study revealed the ability of astaxanthin to alleviate liver toxicity and oxidative stress induced by ambient air exposure and points to the possibility of developing astaxanthin as a dietary supplement that reduce the ill effect of toxic chemicals from ambient air.

Published in: Chemical Biology Letters

Johnson, J. P., Renganthan, S., Menon, A., & Pillai, R. G. (2021). Beneficial impacts of Astaxanthin on Biomarkers of Antioxidant status and oxidative damage in Rats exposed to Ambient air. Chemical Biology Letters, 8(1), 1–9.

Biosensors for Detecting Imbalances of Life Systems: Role of Materials and Methods in Improved Outcome

Any deviation or imbalance from homeostatic state of steady internal physical and chemical conditions in living systems, generally falls under category of disease. Chances of bringing them back to normalcy or closer to healthier state with therapeutic interventions are found to be more successful when they are applied at very early stage. Biosensing has emerged as a process to achieve early detection of deviations in such homeostatic states via evaluation of physiological, chemical, or biomolecular parameters in the subjects. The two main components on which efficiency of biosensors rely are materials used as platform technology and methods of detection used for the task. In this issue we will be assembling recent advancements in the field of Biosensors in terms of used materials and methods in achieving high sensitivity, specificity and predictability in form of original research.

Topic Editor

Santosh Misra, Ph.D.
Dept of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
IIT Kanpur, U.P., IN

Schedule – The dates

Abstract Submission: September 30, 2021
Article Submission: January 31, 2022 (Processing – ‘as we go’ model)
Issue completion: May 30, 2022

Field – Research area
NanoMedicine & Biomaterials
NanoChemistry and Chemistry Materials
NanoScience Nanotechnology
Polymer and Functional Materials
Materials Science

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience – Nanomedicine section


This special issue is under the Lead 20 program where leading scientists/academicians in the above field with well established lab, good publication record (an online link in form is required) and are under the age of 40 will be eligible to participate in this compilation. The editor will choose the best leading scholars from all the submitted entries (selection will be at abstract submission level as well as at full article level through peer review.

Authors / Abstracts

This is new recent Topic announced, the list of authors/abstracts will be updated here. This is an open invitations for interested researchers to submit the abstract for this topic. Submit the abstract with detail below:

The abstract details can also be forwarded directly to topic editor or editorial office at pubs @ thesciencein (dot) org

Lead 50 in Materials Chemistry and NanoChemistry

The expert lead 50 researchers in the field of Materials Chemistry and NanoChemistry is a special compilation of leading fifty scientists (under the age of fifty years) as a showcase portfolio and acknowledgement of leading top researchers in the field of Materials Chemistry, NanoChemistry, NanoCatalysis, Chemistry Materials and Chemistry of Materials. The scientists with well established labs and having leading explorations in the above fields can participate as author in this compilation. The h factor should be more than 20 in the google scholar/scopus citations.

Journal Editors

Dr. RS Verma materials nanoscience Dr. Rajender S. Verma,
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
ORD, National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Water Systems Division/ Water Resources Recovery Branch
26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA EB

Prof. Vikas Tomar
Director, Interfacial Multiphysics Lab
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Purdue University – West Lafayette IN 47906 USA

Dr. B.S. Chhikara
University of Delhi, Delhi, India.


Interested and eligible scientists / academicians need to complete the form below to indicate their willingness for this special compilation:

Provide a tentative article title, may be updated at the time of submission of full article.

Your article manuscript (preferably a review article) should be submitted for publication within two months of acceptance of abstract.

Participating Scientists

The approved list of participating author scientists will be included here after due collection and finalization of same by the editors.

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials Nanoscience