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recommend-imageJournals are available for print subscription Chemical Biology Letters Journal of Materials NanoScience jist_thumb Majority of our scholarly journals provide immediate free open access to online contents. Also most of the journals do not charge any fee from the author/author’s institution for submission, processing or publication. This is a ‘no-fee-immediate-free’ example of scholarly communication.

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Message from Editor-in-Chief

Dr. S Khasa, Editor, Journal of Integrated Science and Technology

The journal provide open access to all of publish articles. Your recommendation to institute library will support the open access and will help in keeping the journal open access for ever. Please recommend the journals for sure for subscription in your institute library.

Dr. Satish Khasa
Editor, Journal of Integrated Science and Technology
DCR University of Science and Technology


Dr. BS Chhikara, Editor, Chemical Biology Letters Dear Colleague,

Chemical Biology Letters is an international peer-reviewed journal and is a product of our passion and commitment to bring you quality research advances in on what is prominent in the field and bringing about changes in the chemical biology and medicinal chemistry advances. We believe in high ethics and quality of publishing.
We need your support in bringing and reaching the published research to wider researcher community. Your subscription, particularly PRINT journal brings research to all institutional/university researchers fraternity, increases credibility and value of your research besides it pays for survival, funds to work, managing resources, server charges, print and publish.
We hope you will value our efforts and will recommend for subscription to your institute/university library.

Dr. B.S. Chhikara
Editor, Chemical Biology Letters
Have a question, contact me at bschhikara [@} iscience (dot) in .