The Scientific and Technological research in South Africa is advancing at a notable pace and remarkable research contribution by researchers from South Africa are getting recognition world over. This special issue intend to cover the current research advances in South Africa for publication in JIST journal.
The Journal of Integrated Science and Technology has been publishing research from interdisciplinary fields of Science and Technology and as a integrated approach for covering the recent advances in the scientific and technological research, the editors of journal are considering articles for a special issue covering the current research advances in scientific and technological research from South Africa to extend an opportunity for the researchers towards priority publication of their research output.
The editors of the journal invite Research Articles, Review Articles, Short communication articles from researchers from (and working in) South Africa in the interdisciplinary research in following subjects
- Materials Science * Physics * Environmental Science * Chemical Sciences * Polymer Science * Solar Materials * Water Research * Energy Materials * Energy Storage Materials * Engineering Sciences * Energy engineering * Application of Science and Technology Research * Biomaterials * Biological Sciences * Applied Chemistry * Physics and Chemistry of materials, * synthesis, development, properties studies and applications of different Inorganic and Organic materials and compounds * Mathematics and studies related to physical properties of materials. *Developments in Computer Sciences and engineering and applications studies *Research and advances in understanding different aspects of environment, pollution, toxicological studies, and developments in remediation / protection of environment *Engineering of new materials development, application development, * materials engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering and technological development in materials applications *Development of different biological materials (biomass etc) sciences, * biomaterials engineering, * polymers, and *studies in pharmaceutical sciences
How to Submit
Authors need to prepare their manuscript according the author guidelines provided on the journal site and submit online on journal site.
Important Dates
Last date of submission: 20 April 2021.
Completion of Issue : 10 May 2021
Articles will be published with open access. There is NO fees or APC for publishing in this issue (Platinum Open Access – Authors do not pay any kind of charges).
Submissions are ongoing (researchers can submit now), and articles will be processed and published continuously (as we go model) till the final completion of the issue.
Issue Editors:
The articles will be edited by editors of respective sections with support of all editorial board members including
Prof. S. Khasa, (Editor-in-Chief) Department of physics, DCRUST,
Prof. Hendrik C Swart, Editor (South Africa), University of Free State,
Prof. S. Padmanaban, University of Johannesburg
and other EAB members (see the member details at journal site).