Publish conference proceedings in journal

Welcome your conference delegates by a Journal (with ISSN no.) containing abstracts of your conference presentations.

Conference organizers or conveners can publish proceedings of their conferences (i.e. abstract of presentations) in Journal of Integrated Science and Technology. Journal is having ISSN number and indexed in science databases. Details about journal is available on this link . This journal is suited for covering the conferences from all sub-disciplines of Sciences, Technology, Medical and Engineering.

How to

Step 1. Organizer / convener should inform the editorial office about their willingness to get publish proceedings of conference (use contact us link above or journal site).
You will get a reply within 24-48 hours of receiving of your email.

Step 2. Conveners should collect the abstract from presenters in the word file.
The abstracts can be published in either of below format:
a) All abstracts together in a single file (this is most common format). All the abstracts should be collected in single word file and submit to journal. A general template for abstracts can downloaded from here template for conference abstracts
b) Each abstract as a separate file. For this, the abstract should be at least two pages in length with suitable details about respective work of presentation. A template is provided for this sort of abstracts. Convener need to submit suitable abstracts in conference abstract template (template for conference proceedings is provided on journal site under Author Guidelines, use latest template). Not all the abstracts should be published. Convener should select only worthy abstracts for publication. The conference proceedings/abstracts selected should be elaborated having sufficient details about experiments, results and also references (so that any reader get idea what the work is about and what are conclusions).

Conveners need to Review the submissions (check for all integrity, language, presentation of material) and select the publishable proceeding (accept).

Conveners if think suitable then can select few worthy works for publication as full article. The full article should be prepared in article template (available on journal site) and should be at least 5 page length (in final template). It should be reviewed by conveners at their end and submitted in article section on journal.

Step 3. Submission to Journal : The conveners should submit all accepted proceedings (should be in final format) online on journal site (in Proceedings/Event abstracts section).

The conference proceedings will be published in regular issue (in case there are small number of proceedings). Full length papers will be published as regular articles.

A representative example of publishing all abstracts in single file is available at Check the pdf file on the link to see how the abstracts will appear in the journal.

Conveners need to submit all abstracts at least 15 days in advance to get the journal copies before the start of conference.


Cost of each journal copy would be

1. for total abstracts less than 50 : Rs. 185/-
2. for abstracts more than 50 and less than 100: Rs. 235/-
3. for abstracts more than 100: Rs. 285/-

Term and conditions:

1. Abstracts must be submitted at least 15 days in advance from start date of conference.
2. A minimum of 60 copies must be ordered.
3. Above mentioned price may change without notice (as paper market rate changes). A fixed quote will be issued to convener at the time of contact/submission.
4. Conveners will be responsible for pick of journal copies from New Delhi office. If conveners wish, we can ship journal copies by courier (courier/shipping charges will be paid by convener), conveners should calculate shipping time and prepare accordingly. We will not be responsible for any delay.
5. Payment must be made in advance.
6. The above mentioned charges are for B&W print of issue. If conveners wish to include any color pages, then additional cost of Rs. 14 per page will apply.
7. Abstract of only two conferences can be published each as above journal is having two issues per year. First come first serve will be observed for publishing of conference proceedings. So, conveners must contact and get confirmation about availability of issue for inclusion of conference abstracts.

Conference Abstracts published:

National conference on Ethnopharmacology and Biotechnology in Drug Development: Prospects and Challenges

Organized by: Institute of Biomedical Sciences & Vaidya Ram Narayan Sharma Institute of Ayurved and Alternate Medical Education and Research, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, UP, India
and Society for Ethnopharmacology, India 14-15 November 2014