Agricultural policies, new technologies and healthy food security

The good food and its ensured availability has been a point of contention for different countries and designing of agricultural policies for sustainable growth with plentiful availability of food for all have been in core of different governments policies throughout the world. Along that, with the passing era, new technologies has been introduced to ease the production as well as storage of food. This has impacted the working of farmers and their earnings.

The journal ‘Integrated Journal of Social Sciences‘ has opened up a new special issue to cover the understanding of different agricultural policies adopted in different countries and their impact on food security (and farmers’ earnings) and related understandings. The researchers and academic fraternity is invited to publish their research and review articles related to theme of special issue including (though not limited to):

  • Different agricultural policies adopted by different countries and impact thereof.
  • Other policies with impact on food availability (Policies, Politics, and Law for food).
  • Agriculture, Farmer and Food: History, Contemporary issues
  • New technologies and methods for growing, processing and preserving the food.
  • Relevance of farmers protest (Current Indian Farmers protest and other historical protests world over and their outcomes)
  • Culture, community, history, modernization
  • Growing of healthy food (pesticide free) nutrition rich food and impact on health (disease free life) nutritional health.
  • Different geographies and climate impact on crops and corresponding understandings
  • Environment and farmer
  • Water availability and food security
  • Population growth and food availability
  • Management of food resources, supply, distribution and availability for all.
  • Economy of agriculture, food and farmer.
  • All Scientific and Social advances relevant to agriculture, food and farmer.

Preparation and Submission of article

The research or review article manuscript should be prepared as per author guidelines provided on journal site. In brief, the manuscript should be arranged in following sequence:

Title (Running text)
Authors list (in sequence of contribution, and in format: First Name Last name)
Affiliation/Address of each author
Abstract (abstract text limit: 180-200 words)
Graphical abstract (an image/poster representing the contents of article, see details at )
Main text (Introduction and other sub section according to requirement, minimum 6 pages length (with single spacing, times new roman 10 point font size).
Acknowledgement (if any)
References: average 35-40 references for research article, 60-70 references for mini-review and approx. more than 100 references for a full length review article. All references must be cross cited in the text. Style: APA or numbered. References should be cited using Mendeley.

The final manuscript must be submitted online on the journal site at

All submission will be peer reviewed.

There is NO publication charges or APC for publishing in the special issue.