A Comparative study on Glucose Levels in Serum and Saliva of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Individuals at Mullana Area

By admin By Sonam Bhalla, Asha Karadwal, Swati Roy, Vivek Dahiya The present study intends to compare and correlate serum & salivary glucose level in healthy & diabetic individuals. A total of 500 subjects were examined, of which 429 were healthy & 71 were confirmed diabetics. Post–prandial blood and salivary samples were analyzed. Mann-Whitney test using Pearson […]

Source:: http://pubs.iscience.in/a-comparative-study-on-glucose-levels-in-serum-and-saliva-of-patients-with-diabetes-mellitus-and-healthy-individuals-at-mullana-area/