Journal subscription procedure – Digital Edition

Journal subscription procedure for direct subscription on journal sites (Digital Edition)

Follow these steps to subscribe any of the ISP journal (Digital Edition)

1. Register and login on the respective journal site (see journals at )

2. Then go to ‘My subscription’ page on respective journal site, the link to page are
Chemical Biology Letters :
Journal of Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences :
Journal of Materials NanoScience :

3. On this (My subscription) page, click on ‘Purchase new subscription’ link under Institutional Subscription.
– Fill the required details on the new page that opens; like Institute Name, IP Addresses etc. and then click on ‘Continue’.
– A new page will open with payment details; check info and click on ‘Continue’
– It will take you to Paypal/Payment gateway site.

As subscriptions for 2018 are free, do no make a payment. Just send an email with your user id to subs (at)

————— OR ————–

Just fill the form below and submit for processing by editorial office.

Institutional Subscriptions 2018:
Chemical Biology Letters ; USD 450 Nil
Journal of Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences USD 450 Nil
Journal of Materials NanoScience USD 450 Nil

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