
Nanomaterials Frontiers

Nanomaterials Frontiers is meant to cover exciting new and recent research advances in field of nanomaterials, smart materials development, new notable technological advances at nanometer scale research and path breaking research finding in nanomaterials advances. The Frontier research in nanomaterials covered from all literary sources highlighted as breakthrough findings in form of summarized reports ‘Nanomaterials Frontiers’ be published combined in print form of ‘Journal of Materials NanoScience’, however, selected highlights will be published online. The summarized highlights would provide a quick grasp of latest advances to scientists and young researchers.
Researchers are invited to submit the reports for covering in highlights/frontiers as small summary write up in simple lucid presentation (for easy understanding by novice researchers) extending upto 2 pages (the report should include new title and 2-3 paragraphs summary along with references to original source). Submit by email to pubs @ thesciencein .org or may submit by form below.



Synthesis and Biodegradation Study of Starch/PVA/Nanoclay Blend


Synthesis and Biodegradation Study of Starch/PVA/Nanoclay Blend

Geeta Saini University of Delhi
Himani Chauhan University of Delhi
Aeshna Gupta University of Delhi
Disha Gangotia University of Delhi

Keywords: Food packaging, Nanoclay, Biodegradable, PVA, Starch

In this research work, we have synthesized blend of starch/PVA/nanoclay via solution cast method. The composition of blend was starch and PVA in 1:1 ratio by weight with citric acid as plasticizer. The amount of nanoclay was varied between 0.5 to 2 wt%. The structure elucidation of the film by Scanning electron microscopy reveals homogeneous dispersion of nanoclay into polymer matrix. The biodegradation of the films were studied by soil burial method and enzymatic hydrolysis and it was found that completely biodegradable films were produced which could serve as potential candidate for food packaging.




Herbal nanomedicine interactions to enhance pharmacokinetics, pharmaco-dynamics, and therapeutic index for better bioavailability and biocompatibility of herbal formulations


Herbal nanomedicine interactions to enhance pharmacokinetics, pharmaco-dynamics, and therapeutic index for better bioavailability and biocompatibility of herbal formulations

Rajiv Kumar University of Delhi
Munesh Sharma Arogya Nidhi Ayurveda Clinic

Keywords: Phyto-medicine, Hydrophilicity, Nanocarriers, Drug Delivery

The recent technological advancement in nanotechnology has opened new avenues for research and development in the field of phyto-medicine. Development of reliable and eco-friendly synthesis of nanoparticles is a significant advancement for introduction nanotechnology to develop noble nanomedical delivery system of herbs (HNMDS), and have to overcome the downsides of old-style herbs-medicines delivery through analyzing the interactions between nanocarriers and herbs or phyto-medicine. The application of nanotechnological methods for bioavailability and biocompatibility enhancement of phyto-medicine must be reviewed and need urgent prompt efforts to develop new formulations. Nanotechnology enables the combination of hitherto separate approaches to health care by permitting the realization of so-called ‘theranostic’ applications, as well as targeted combination products. Formulation must also release active ingredient from phyto-formulation as developing nano dosage forms has number of benefits for phyto-medicine. This review discusses nano sized herbs-nanomedicines delivery carries and potential current and futuristic advances for enhancing the activity and overcoming problems associated with herbal medicines for novel HNMDS.




Herbal nanomedicine interactions to enhance pharmacokinetics, pharmaco-dynamics, and therapeutic index for better bioavailability and biocompatibility of herbal formulations

The recent technological advancement in nanotechnology has unlocked new avenues for research and development in the field of phyto-medicine. Development of reliable and eco-friendly synthesis of nanoparticles is a significant advancement for starter nanotechnology to develop noble nanomedical delivery system of herbs (HNMDS), and have to overcome the downsides of old-style herbs-medicines delivery means through analyzing the interactions between nanocarriers and herbs or phyto-medicine. The application of nanotechnological ways and means for bioavailability and biocompatibility enrichment of phyto-medicine must be reread and need swift efforts to develop new formulations. Nanotechnology empowers the combination of hitherto separate approaches to health care by letting the realization of so-called ‘theranostic’ applications, as well as besieged blend products. Formulation must also release active ingredient from phyto-formulation as emerging nano dosage forms having number of benefits existed earlier in phyto-medicine. This assessment converses nano sized herbal nanomedicines delivery carries, potential current and ultramodern advances for enhancing the activity and overcoming problems associated with herbal medicines for the development of novel HNMDS. Clinical Pharmacokinetics is discussed in view of the impression of advance of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion as per the entitlement of pharmacokinetic principles of the harmless and actual therapeutic applications of herbal nanomedical medications.



Medicinal Chemistry in Anti-Cancer and Anti-HIV advances – Special Issue of Chemical Biology Letters

The two prominent diseases i.e Cancer and HIV infections has been putting a challenge to researchers community to find a reliable treatment. There have been newer developments and research advances in finding the cure for these by using chemistry biology interface research. To collect the advances in the filed, a special issue on anti-cancer and anti-HIV therapeutics development would be published in Chemical Biology Letters. The issue will cover the themes (though not limited to as field and research is wide):

– Kinase Inhibitor advances
– new targets for anti-cancer molecules
– development in anti-HIV therapeutics
– Medicinal Chemistry of Anti-Cancer drugs
– Medicinal Chemistry of anti – HIV molecules
– Development in drug delivery systems for anti-cancer and anti-HIV drugs
– Peptides based drug delivery
– Peptide therapeutics
– targeted drug delivery
– Small molecules and Heterocyclic molecules for anti-cancer and anti-HIV therapy

The Medicinal Chemistry community is invited to contribute a ‘Review Article’ ‘Research Article’ or ‘Short Communication’ for processing in special issue.

Submission: The manuscript should be prepared as per details provided on Author Guidelines page:

The article should be submitted online on the journal site at

Last date for submission of manuscript: November 30, 2018.

Edited by

Dr Rakesh
Prof. Keykavous Parang
Associate Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Global Affairs
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology
Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus
9401 Jeronimo Rd.
Irvine, CA 92618-1908. USA
Dr. Rakesh Tiwari
Chapman University
School of Pharmacy (CUSP)
Harry & Diane Rinker Health Science Campus
9501 Jeronimo Road Rm 241
Irvine, CA 92618

Chemical Biology Letters is indexed in SCOPUS, CAS, CNKI, Google Scholar and other popular indexing databases.



Mechanistic approach of anti-diabetic compounds identified from natural sources

Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a global disease, which leads to various other life threatening diseases and affects the quality of life. Current therapies of T2DM have various side effects and ultimately lead to insulin resistance, along with financial burden. Therefore, comparative study of natural compounds along with their mechanisms has been discussed, which may lead toward the better understanding about their efficacy and selection of future anti-diabetic drugs. Traditional medicine is promising to treat T2DM, where more than 200 plants and other species are shown to have anti-T2DM effects. Moreover, these natural products have different types of molecular mechanisms, i. e. β-cell regeneration, insulin mimicry, AMPK, Akt, PPARs, LXR activation and inhibition of α-glucosidase, TNF- α, sodium glucose co- tranporters and oxidative stress. At the same time numbers of compounds have been reported to have in vivo efficacy. As a number of investigators speculated the molecular mechanism of these natural opmpounds, hence this review is focused on the molecular mechanism of different types of natural anti-diabetic molecules and their classes along with their efficacy in animal models. This review will provide a broad idea about anti-diabetic compounds to scientific and common people and will help to choose the dietary components and traditional medicines effective in T2DM.



Synthesis and biodegradation study of Starch/PVA/Nanoclay blend

In this proposed project we have synthesized blend of starch/PVA/nanoclay via solution cast method. The composition of blend was starch and PVA in 1:1 ratio by weight with citric acid as plasticizer. The amount of nanoclay was varied between 0.5 to 2 wt%. The structure elucidation of the film by Scanning electron microscopy reveals homogeneous dispersion of nanoclay into polymer matrix. The biodegradation of the films were studied by soil burial method and enzymatic hydrolysis and it was found that completely biodegradable films were produced which could serve as potential candidate for food packaging.



Author Guidelines Chemical Biology Journal

Information for Authors

The Authors need to submit a single file containing all the details as described below. The supplementary data files should be submitted as a separate file. A cover letter and graphical abstract should be submitted along with manuscript as details provided below.

Cover letter

Authors should supply a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should also have details of at least three reviewers (with email). Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in “Comments for Editor’ box.

Graphical Abstract

Authors need to submit a graphical abstract highlighting the contents of manuscript. The guidelines for graphical abstract preparation and submission are available on this link.


Manuscript should include Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords, (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion, conclusion, experimental procedures in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections. References should be formatted as shown for articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5

1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449.

2. B.K. Sharma. Ph.D. Dissertation, Thesis Title, Cornell University, 1995.

3. R. Hussain, D. Shinkoi. Title of book like Synthesis and application of ionic liquid, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2010.

4. R.S. Buchanod, D.K. Reddy. In Selective Organic Transformations; T.R. Thyagarajan, Ed.; Integrated science: New York, 2002; Vol. 2, pp 1–95.

5. G.L. Loyale, U.S. Patent 5 934 456, 1998; Chem. Abstr. 1998, 65, 2870.

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Antituberculer Schiffs Bases Prepared from Biologically Active Substituted Benzaldehydes to Enhance Drug likeness

In a preliminary screening we found that many substituted benzaldehyde showing promising anti-tubercular (anti-TB) activity. Study was planned to convert these substituted benzaldehyde to anti-tubercular schiffs bases. Various schiffs bases were synthesized by condensation of 2-Amino pyridine (or its derivative) or Thiophene or Furoic or Nicotinic acid hydrazide with anti-tubercular benzaldehydes. Compounds were purified, crystallized and characterized by IR,1H and 13C-NMR. Initial Anti-tubercular screening was carried out in fast growing Mycobacterial strain Mycobacterium smegmatis (M. smeg.) by disc diffusion method. Further quantitative estimation of anti-tubercular activity was carried out in Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) BCG vaccine strain using Resazurin Microplate Assay (REMA). Schiffs bases prepared from salisaldehyde or p-NO2 benzaldehyde with 2- amino pyridine (3c and 3f) and 2, 3 dihydroxy benzaldehyde with nicotinic acid hydrazide (8a) have shown anti-TB potential. Anti-TB activity of synthesized compounds was reported at higher concentration (500µg/mL) with respect to standard drug isoniazid INH (40µg/mL), because there was no earlier report or MIC data of synthesized Schiffs bases. Compounds 3c, 3f and 8a have shown 60, 40 and 50 mm zone of inhibition in M. smegmatis compared to vector control, INH has shown 40 mm zone of inhibition. In Mycobacterium bovis, Schiffs bases 3c,3f and 8a have shown 53.69, 49.41, 46.49 % inhibition at 500 µM concentration, the activity was concentration dependent and lower inhibition of 29.73, 37.75 and 36.15% were observed at 125 µM concentration by the compound 3c and 3f and 8a respectively. Standard drug INH has shown 60% inhibition at 40 µg/ml concentration. The anti-TB activity of banzaldehydes depends on various substitutions, Nitro or methoxy or hydroxyl substituted benzaldehydes were anti-TB while halogenated benzaldehydes are inactive. Preparation of Schiff’s bases may be one of the ways to enhance activity, introduce drug likeness in the active benzaldehyde, may represent low toxicity and high bioavailability.



Microwave assisted greener synthesis of silver nanoparticles using karanjin and their antifungal activity

In recent days, the synthesis of nanoparticles using biomaterials is growing very rapidly due to their non toxicity and eco friendliness. In the present study we demonstrated the role of individual organic compounds present in the plant extracts in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) using Karanjin, a natural flavonoid extracted from seeds of Pongamia pinnata L. assisted by microwave technique. The plasmon resonance absorbance peak was observed at 424 nm in UV–visible spectroscopy. The TEM results showed presence of spherical shape with ~20 nm in size. The FTIR spectrum indicates there is no organic molecule present in the powder material and it confirms the formation of Ag NPs by microwave method. Further, confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. AFM images explained the topography of the Ag NPs. The obtained nanoparticles were stable and it confirms the activity of Karanjin as a reducing and capping agent in synthesis of Ag NPs. The synthesized Ag NPs demonstrated good antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus and A. niger.
