ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters impact factor

Impact factor is meant to indicate the number of citations recorded for the number of articles published in a year. It is meant to indirectly indicate the popularity of any article or a research field.

In the advanced chemistry series (ACS) journals, the Advanced Medicinal Chemistry Letters is the recent journal by ISP and gaining the popularity among the medicinal chemistry fraternity. Being a recent journal, it striving to include the quality articles only so that it can make a good impact in the medicinal chemistry and bioorganic chemistry community and help in designing future research.

Its Impact factor on the latest research is advancing and would be reflected on this page once it had been declared interim or officially.

Advanced Medicinal Chemistry Letters Journal covers the latest research advances in medicinal chemistry, drug development, diagnosis and drug delivery. The journal is meant to cover all recent research advances in medicinal chemistry where the research need to be published on time after a fast review process. The journal is peer reviewed and has support of international editorial board.

The manuscript submission is open and medicinal chemists are invited to submit their excellent submission (short communication, research article or review article) as per author guidelines provided on the journal site:

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry