Computer access to teachers… reality or legend???

Jyoti Bhalla


The integration of computers to enhance teaching learning process is contemporary in this era. The teachers’ access to computers is a major issue for its integration in teaching-learning. This paper assesses teachers’ perceptions regarding computer availability, location, provision of requisite computer resources, and home computers. The findings put forward that the overall access to computers is not satisfactory. Among the five categories of computer access understudy the computer location category calls for immediate attention followed by access to home computers, access to variety of hardware, access to types of software, and provision of computers for teachers’- students’ use. The findings suggest that significant efforts have to be made towards improving computer access. The study has put forth an understanding and various recommendations regarding teachers’ access to computers that would empower the policy framers with vital information to aid strategy formulation to execute use of computers in teaching-learning.



Computer; Education; Teachers; Learning

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