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Join as Associate Editor to journal
World of science and information about recent progress in research advances i.e. publishing of recent research is moving towards Open Access, the best and ideal platform where all researchers has full access to published contents. However, this puts a burden on the Authors in form of publication fees required to maintain the resources for journal maintenance. This hinder many authors from publishing good research. Integrated Science is working towards making the publishing of articles free for all the authors through collaborative efforts of editors. For this, ISP invite seniors researchers to join as Associate Editors of respective journal by selecting one of the options:

a) Open Access supported services for processing of articles: The associate editor services will be voluntary free services. All the articles processed by such editors will have open access and also authors will not be paying any publication charges. This is the best option for the researchers who support the openness of the research and good for ‘in service’ researchers.

b) Sharing services for processing of articles: All the associate editors in this option get equal share in the 50% of the revenue from subscription of the contents of the journals. The article processed by such editors will be subscription based, authors will not be paying any publication fees (however they will have the option to go for Open access, if they chose so). This option may be good for retired researchers who need few extra bucks to buy beers.

You are welcome to join as Associate Editor through this form. The opportunity is open for the following journals on terms and conditions provided below:

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Terms and Conditions
1. A maximum of 20 associate editors can join a particular journal. No more than two editors will be from same country. ‘First come first get’ practice will be rationalized for assigning the Associate Editor. You can check the editorial board link on respective journal site before applying.
2. The Associate Editor will be responsible for collecting and processing of minimum 10 articles annually. They will popularizing the journal and will be encouraging researchers from their country to submit quality articles. This minimum articles must be met by the associate editors to retain their position.
3. A line about who edited a particular article will be provided in online listing of particular article. Associate Editors will be responsible for complete editing of articles including final layout template settings.
4. In case of any dispute, the Editor-in-Chief/Managing editor will have final say.
5. The Associate Editors can change their options at the end of year.
6. This position is for five years and will be governed by these terms.