Focus and Scope
The Advanced Organic Chemistry Letters (AOCL) is an international journal meant to provide a rapid forum for publication of quality original research from organic chemistry. Organic Chemistry Letters covers the scientific ideas and approaches of synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, new mothodlogies, natural product synthesis, new reaction pathways, peptide synthesis, small molecule synthesis, organic molecules, chemical technology and other allied areas of organic chemistry covering the fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of organic chemistry for the better understanding of organic chemistry phenomenon at molecular level. The journal welcomes original research contribution from the community of organic chemists.
Journal Frequency:
    Journal is published in a yearly Annual Volume with one issue. The articles are published on the concept of 'As we go' means articles are published online in issue as soon as it become publishable (after review + copyediting + layout + galley proof corrections stages ).
Section Policies
Editors- BS Chhikara
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Review Article
Review articles in organic chemistry
Editors- BS Chhikara
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
OrgChem Insights
The Organic Chemistry Insights are the short review articles on catalysis, reactions and latest topics. (to be submitted by Ph.D. scholars)
It may also be the class lecture notes.
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by experts in the field and experts submit their feedback and recommendation about respective manuscript to editor. The peer-review process is completed in one month for date of submission on average.
The journal follow single blind review policy.
Issue Purchase
Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual issues. The following payment options and fees are available.
Fees for single Issue: 80.00 (USD)
The payment of this fee will enable you to view, download, and print the selected single issue of the journal.
Article Purchase
Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual articles. The following payment options and fees are available.
Purchase Article: 30.00 (USD)
The payment of this fee will enable you to view, download, and print this article.