Corrosion inhibition of Aluminum by Trigonella foenum graecum Seeds in 0.5N HCl
The inhibitive property of the Trigonella foenum graecum seeds (TfgS) on the acid corrosion of aluminum has been investigated. The experimentation was carried out by the weight loss method. The results reveal that TfgS inhibit corrosion of aluminum very efficiently. The inhibition efficiency (IE %) was found highest 88% for concentration of inhibitor 1.056g/L at immersion time of 48 hours. The adsorptive behavior of the inhibitor was further studied by the FTIR spectroscopy and Optical micrography techniques. It is inferred that the TfgS may be a better substitute of the chemical inhibitors used for acid corrosion of aluminum.
Aluminum; Trigonella foneum graecum seeds (TfgS); FT-IR Spectroscopy; Optical Micrography