The ScienceIn has instituted the awards to recognize the valuable work of the researchers published in the ScienceIn journals. The article published in any of the journals (published by ScienceIn ) will be eligible for the award. Following awards are open now..
Young Laureate (Citations)
Most Worthy Young Researcher (i.e Most Cited Young Researcher)
This award is meant for youngest and first author (i.e. First author/maximum contributor/main author or corresponding author) of article published in previous year and current year that has got maximum citations. This award is meant to recognize the young researchers preferentially (including project fellows, Ph.D. students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Associates, Independent young researchers, Young faculty members).
The award includes:
1. A Certificate of award
2. A beautiful citation or badge or printed mug or mementos
3. One year free subscription of respective journal to the Author.
4. Rs. 5000/- (or USD 100/-) in the form of travel grant for presentation in conference.
Criterion (Terms and Conditions):
1. The citations of articles published in previous year and current will be calculated by records in Google Scholar or Scopus. An article with minimum of 10 citations would be eligible.
2. At least 10 citations should be recorded in the first six months or at least 16 citations in the end of one year from date of publication of article.
3. The citations of article in the same journal (or ScienceIn journal) will be excluded from total count (citations recorded in ScienceIn journals will not be counted). Similarly, citations in Preprint articles will not be taken in account.
4. Only articles published in the journals by ScienceIn will be eligible.
5. The citations will be calculated on the November 30th (first week of December) of every year (to keep open and transparency of award/selection to all).
6. The selected article and author will be approved by the editorial board of respective journal. All the authors of selected article will be emailed to know the younger main contributor. In case of any conflict, decision of editorial board will be considered final. Cases of Articles with equal contributions for two or more young researchers will be resolved by editorial board members. If editorial board decides, then two award may be given for a article (Articles by Editors, Associate Editors, Guest Editors are not eligible to participate for this award).
7. The respective author will be intimated by the end of the December and Prize will be given in the any of the forthcoming conference/event or as decided by board. The prize winner author details will be posted on journal site and on iscience.
What Authors can do:
1. Publish a work valuable to a wider scientific community in any of the ScienceIN journal of their interest.
2. Promote the article by Circulating the information about their published article to their colleagues. Check about relevant methods to promote your article.
3. Post the link of article on network sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, and other of their community) and ask circle contacts/pages/groups/community to cite the article.
4. Send email to all contacts asking them to cite your article in their coming up/future article (reminder email should be sent every 3 months (as to remind of your article if they are writing any article at that time).
5. Inform the researcher about their article on ResearchGate (in comments of similar preprint articles).
6. Authors can check the citations of their articles in Google Scholar.
7. Authors need to report to editorial office via email (email provided on respective ScienceIN journal site) about their eligibility for award.