Navigating Dyslexia: Hurdles Faced by Students with Dyslexia in Higher Education
This thematic review paper explores the challenges faced by students with dyslexia in higher education, aiming to develop a theoretical understanding of dyslexia and assess the hurdles encountered by these students. The study investigates the impact of dyslexia on academic performance, focusing on difficulties in reading, writing, and time management. Emphasizing the importance of fostering support and understanding among educators and peers, the research highlights the necessity for inclusive practices to ensure the academic success of students with dyslexia. Through a systematic methodology involving literature exploration, data extraction, quality assessment, and theme synthesis, the study provides valuable insights for educational practitioners and policymakers. The findings underscore the need for awareness, resources, and an inclusive culture to enhance the academic experiences of students with dyslexia in higher education.
Keywords: Dyslexia, higher education, academic challenges, support systems, conceptual understanding, inclusive practices
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