“Ain’t I a Human”: Disabled Students, Inclusive Schooling and the Experiences of their Inclusion in India
In school education, an ongoing interest in exploring the voices of disabled students has been reflected in a number of studies in western societies. However, literature reveals that despite strong advocacy for inclusion, the reality of school life for students with disabilities remains largely one of continued exclusion and barriers to learning. In most developing countries, including India, the voices of the students with disabilities appear significantly unexplored, not only in the policy making process but in the research as well. This paper aims to address this lacuna by focusing on exploring the disabled students` educational experiences, the barriers and support they encountered in school education, and the attitudes they experienced from the school community. Results of the study demonstrate common experiences of a lack of support networks and differential experiences of socio-cultural activities. The article indicates the need for refining school practices and adopting more nuanced approaches to inclusion.
Keywords: Disabled students voices, inclusive schooling, barriers, support
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