Violence against persons with visual impairment in the Accra Metropolis
Persons with disabilities are at a heightened risk of violence and suffer mental health challenges as victims of violence. Although there have been some studies on violence against PWDs, persons with visual impairments experiences of violence have not been fully explored in the Ghanaian context. Adopting an interpretive phenomenological design, this study, which was part of a larger study, aimed to find out a) the types of violence persons with visual impairments experience and b) reasons why persons with visual impairment experience violence. Ten participants were purposively sampled for the study. The data was collected using in-depth interviews and analyzed using Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis and from the perspective of the CDT. The study participants reportedly suffered verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, and structural violence. The study recommends, among others, that the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development embark on sensitization campaigns on disability issues to help alter negative perceptions that some people have about persons with visual impairment.
Keywords: Violence, abuse, persons with visual impairments, disability, persons with disabilities
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