Inpatient Geratric Rehabilitation Modification in Pandemic Era and The Effect to ADL Improvement

Luh Karunia Wahyuni, Melinda Harini, Rizky Kusuma Wardhani, Steven Setiono, Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, Arini Putriheryanti, Tesa Takwarif


Introduction: The infection prevention and control activities during the COVID-19 outbreak may affect every aspect in medical services, including medical rehabilitation. In geriatric patients, rehabilitation programs are essential to help in overcoming consequences of physical and cognitive impairments, and to prevent functional decline after hospitalization. To protect both patients and healthcare professionals, direct contact through visits/ward round by healthcare professionals will be reduced, and the rehabilitation programs will be emphasized on patient’s independence and/or caregiver competence. This study aims to evaluate the impact of service adjustment to functional capacity of the inpatient geriatric population in RSCM, Jakarta. Method: This is a cross-sectional study. Data were taken through 45 medical records of geriatric patients who received inpatient care before the pandemic (2016 to February 2020) and during the pandemic (from March 2020). Functional ability was assessed by Barthel Index at hospital admission and discharge. Result: From 23 geriatric patients who received inpatient care before the pandemic, the mean difference of Barthel Index was 4.69. After the pandemic, the mean difference of Barthel Index from 22 patients was 2.75. However, this is not statistically significant (p = 0.074). The mean length of stay reduced from 20.2 days pre the pandemic, to 17.47 days during the pandemic (p = 0.413) Conclusion There was no statistically significant difference in Barthel Index and length of stay due to service adjustment in Medical Rehabilitation Department during the COVID-19 era. There may be other factors contributing to patient’s recovery other than differences in health care services that are not analyzed in this study. Therefore, a larger study is required to prove this beneficial effect.

Keywords: Rehabilitation; geriatric; inpatient; recovery of function; coronavirus; pandemic


rehabilitation ; geriatric ; barthel index ; pandemic ; covid-10 ; functional recovery ; ADL

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