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Davila, Sarah, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Devi, Ashwanti, Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology, MMEC, MMDU, Mullana Ambala ()
Dogara, Pernita


Fischer, Jerome, Professor and Coordinator of PhD Rehabilitation Counseling Program School of Rehabilitation Services and Counseling (United States)


G, Geeta, Maharishi Markandeshwar University
Gautam, Sanjeev (India)
Goyal, Navdeep (India)
Gupta, Ankur, Indian Institute of technology roorkee (India)
Gupta, Nitisha


Harari, Praveen Adappa, SGMCOE, Mahagaon (India)
Harari, Praveen A (India)
Hong, Maochun, State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)


Jadon, Anjana, Government Girls Degree College, Chhibramau, Kannauj, U.P. 209721. (India)
Jadon, Anjana, Department of Zoology, Government Girls Degree College, Chhibramau, Kannauj, U.P.- 209721 India
Jadon, Anjana, Department of Zoology, Government Girls Degree College, Chhibramau, Kannauj, U.P.- 209721 India (India)
Jagadish, R.S., JSS Academy of Technical Education, NOIDA
Jain, Dharmendra, Dr. H.S. GourSagar University Sagar
Jain, Shalinee, Dr. H.S. GourSagar University Sagar
Jaswal, Vivek Sheel, Maharishi Markandeshwar University Mullana (Ambala) (India)
Jiang, Feilong, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (China)


Karadwal, Asha, yamuna institute of dental sciences and research, Gadholi, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India (India)
Kaur, Harpreet, Maharishi Markandeshwar University (India)
Kinger, Mayank, MM University (India)
Kovalenko, Leonid V., D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technological University, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Kulkarni, Venkatesh M, Visvesvaraya Technological University (India)

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