Experimental investigation on the effect of injection timing, carburetor type and exhaust gas recirculation on compression ignitionengine fuelled with diesel–compressed biogas and rice bran oil methyl ester-compressed biogas

Praveen A Harari, Arun Pattanashetti


Energy is the basic stamina for economic growth of any country and also it carries same weightage to keep the environment free from pollution for the better health of all human beings. So to harness energy it is very much necessary to be depend on renewable energy instead of conventional fuels which conjointly helps to reduce emissions, increase human welfare in terms of self-entrepreneurship, avoiding foreign exchange by reduced consumption of petrol, diesel, CNG, LPG, nuclear fuel etc. among many available energy sources biogas also carries the high importance. Production, purification and storing of biogas at high pressure in cylinders can be made utilized in automobile sectors and also for the electrification in the rural areas. In the present study, an experimental work had been carried out to analyze the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine by varying the injection timing, carburetor type, EGR when fuelled with Diesel–CBG and ROME–CBG at 80% and 100% load. From the test results it was observed that, maximum brake thermal efficiency, maximum peak pressure and lower emissions were found at 27° bTDC injection timing, carburetor type-2 (CRB2) and 10% EGR.


Carburetor, Compressed biogas, Emission, Exhaust gas recirculation, Injection timing, Performance, Rice bran oil methyl ester.

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