Mobile Seva (m-Governance): A Bridge between Govt. Service Delivery and the Excluded communities of India

Unnati Mishra, S.N. Fatmi


Mobile Seva (m-Governance) is an innovative initiative aimed at mainstreaming mobile governance in India. This is an extension to the vision of National e-Governance Plan making all government services accessible to the common man with efficiency, transparency and reliability at the affordable costs. Mobiles enable anytime, anywhere access to and delivery of services –bridging the last mile gap, no huge upfront investments and suited for rural areas. The present paper explores the various operational aspects of mobile seva and discusses that how the mobile seva is able to take the individuals into the approach of NeGP, who were previously digitally excluded.


Good Governance; e-Governance; NeGP; Digital Divide; Excluded Communities

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ISSN 2348 - 0874