UGC approved journals list

The list of journals approved by UGC, University Grant Commission, New Delhi

Journals no. on UGC are provided here for researchers quick reference.

Sr. No. Journal No. Journal Name Link
3440 49349 Chemical Biology Letters
6337 47927 Journal of Materials NanoScience
6512 49358 Journal of Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences
4703 47906 Integrated Research Advances
44231 44231 Advanced Organic Chemistry Letters

Submit your article manuscript for publication in above journals at the link   (use this single form for submission to different journals).

the screen shot for respective journal on the UGC list is as below:

Chemical Biology Letters

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Journal of Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences

Integrated Research Advances

Advanced Organic Chemistry Letters

6496 Journal of Integrated Science and Technology

Submit your article manuscript for publication in above UGC listed journals at the link   (use this single form for submission to different journals).

page last updated Aug 2017