The ScienceIn Publishing

Chemical Biology Letters

Chemical Biology Letters

A journal for Chemistry Biology Interface, Chemical Biology and Synthetic Biology research and review articles.

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Journal of Materials Nanoscience

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Journal of Materials Nanoscience is now available on new platform at   

New submissions and contents will be processed on new site (2022 onwards)

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Journal of Integrated Science and Technology

The Journal of Integrated Science and Technology is a peer reviewed journal for publication of fundamental and applied research from all disciplines of science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, environmental science) and technology (engineering fields and technology advances).

The Journal has moved to new platform (OJS 3) from 2023, contents of the journal (2023 onwards) are available on (new site).

Authors need to submit their article as per instructions provided on new plateform.

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Journal of Integrated Social Sciences

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) is a journal for integrated publishing of peer-reviewed research and review articles from Arts, Social Sciences, Psychology, Humanities, Languages, Law, Management research findings and to serve as a rapid forum for publication of articles within a time frame.

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Journal of Disability Studies

Journal of Disability Studies is an International, multidisciplinary, peer reviewed / refereed open access journal. The areas covered by Journal include all type of disabilities and a wide range of advanced fields such as:

Psychosocial Prospective of Disability, Disability Assessment, Disability Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Disability in Academia, Disability Research, Disability and Social Stigma or Exclusion/Discrimination, Disability in the context of Development, Disability and Gender, Disability Legislation and all other allied studies related to disability.

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