reviewing of manuscript

Login to journal site and click on ‘… in Review’. On click on …in review, in new window all the manuscripts under review would be listed (as shown on next page).

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On this page, you will find a navigation menu indicating ‘In Review’ ‘In Editing’ ‘Archive (means published or rejected)’. Use this Menu to navigate through number of manuscript present in different stage.

Next Step . In this panel, you will find details of each manuscript (under review) like when it was submitted, whether Article or review article, main author name, title of manuscript, also the details of review stage (if it has been started) and name of section editor/assigned editors. Click the title of manuscript that you want to see its details

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Now on this page, the navigation menu above show ‘Summary’ ‘Review’ ‘Editing’. All these link are for this particular manuscript. Use this menu to navigate through particular stage of selected manuscript. The Summary link have all details about manuscript like when it was submitted, assigned editors/sections editor and metadata of manuscript (metadata means title, keywords, authors, abstract, references – metadata is what actually indexed in search engines and indexing databases, so editors/section editors should ensure (on acceptance of manuscript) that all authors are listed (as in submitted file), all references are listed, abstract and keywords are there).

Next Step . In above page, before selecting reviewers, just click on Summary link to see if Authors has suggested any reviewers (you can note suggested reviewers details), and then just click on ‘Select Reviewer’ link.

Next Step . When you click on ‘Select Reviewer’ as new window open where you will find the list of reviewers for this journal, with their reviewing interest (In case of large list of reviewers… You can search for required reviewing interests). You can just click ‘Assign’ to select the reviewer. If authors has suggested any reviewer, then click on ‘Create New Reviewer’ (Also in case if there is no suitable reviewer listed/registered for journal, then  you can search the Google Scholar, Pubmed, Sciencedirect or other databases (using title of manuscript) to find the people with similar work or interest and then create them as reviewer here). When you click on ‘Create New Reviewer’, you will see following page, fill up the details and save.

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On save, it will be added for review to current manuscript. You can repeat above Steps to select 3-4 reviewer for manuscript.

Next Step. Till now you have selected the reviewers. Next step is to ask all selected reviewers to review the manuscript. Click on the ‘mail icon’ below request to send the mail. On click on this icon, you will see an email, just click on ‘send’ and your request will be sent to reviewer.

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Repeat this step for each reviewer. When reviewers will complete the review and send their comments, then you will get the notification. In the same panel (review) of manuscript, you can see the recommendations of reviewer and comment thereof (an comment icon will be there below the name of reviewer).


Next Step. Based on the reviewers comment, you record your decision (accept, reject, revise) for manuscript.

Next Step. After recording decision, you must need to inform Authors about your decision. A small ‘mail icon’ is there for Notify author. Click on that icon, in the open email template please add your text about your decision (you should also add comments from reviewers… just click ‘import reviewers comment’ on open email page) and click send.

Next Step. Author will respond to queries and will upload revised file (just see next to ‘Author Version’ ). When you are satisfied with the revised file, next select the manuscript file and click ‘send to typesetting/editing’.

A PDF file having above instructions is available for download. Click below link to download the file.

Review Process